Computer Set-Up in Mafia wars
You will find at NY job
- Rob an Electronics Store (Enforcer Level 13 - 17)
- Rob an Electronics Store (Enforcer Level 13 - 17)
Underboss Tier: Embezzle Funds Through a Phony Company (ITR, CSU), Take Over an Identity Theft Ring (CSU)
Level 1: 54 x CSU
Level 2: 75 x CSU
Level 3: 134 x CSU
Level 3: 134 x CSU
Total: 263 x Computer Set-up (CSU)
Add to whislist: click on the link:Add item to Your wishlist by clicking it. It will load Mafia Wars inventory page. Make sure that You have free space in Your wishlist. afia/remote/html_server.php?xw_ controller=loot&xw_action=wishl ist_add&xw_city=1&gift_category =1&gift_id=63